hello every one


hi every one! im kinda new to tjis website well i have been a member for a wile but i didnt folow the instructions so i couldent post!! i wanted to soooo bad!
well i have a 46 gallon bow front. a fluval305 canister filter prizm skimmer, heater about 40 pounds of lr sand about 20 mexican turbo snails crabs and two false percs! :happyfish i am 13 and my dad payed for 1/3 of this tank thank u dad!!
its been up for about 2 weeks now and im trying to be as pationt as i can but im sooo ancsius (sp) to get some coral and fish! o yea and it is a reef tank. well ill keep u posted with my tank



Active Member
Welcome to the boards. Learn, read and most important.....don't rush. Nothing good comes quickly. This should be your motto. If you remember this you should do just fine.


Active Member
welcome zack to the board ask many questions lots of people will help u out here ....
lots of information to be found and helpful hints....
sounds like its guna be a nice tank....
what are u planning on keeping in it as far as corals and fish go?


thank you, this is what i plan to have
2 false percs(have had them for 6 days)
1cpral beauty angelfish
1purple firefish
and 1 goby! not sure what kind yet :thinking:
well it is gunna be a reef tank but im not sure of what kinda coral ill put in.
my lfs (fintastic) is were i shop and they will help me deside but i do like shrooms,zoos,brain,xenia etc


Active Member
just research everything first before u add it to ur tank.... each coral and fish has serperate demands and needs and u have to make sure ur tank meets those criterias....
i wasted alot of $ in the begging when i just listened to the advice of my local fish store but now i research it all first
good luck


u r wright about every thing that u said, every thing that u purchase u should study first.
i understand all of that, and i am not that new to the aquarium world. i have had a fresh water aquarium now for a wile i just took it down so i could put up a saltwater aquarium. my dealer who works at my lfs is the smartist man that you could ever meat in the salt water world i am follow his steps step by step and i understand everything, like i said before, i have been reaserching on this same website for about 4 months now and i have seen many of your posts. i totaly agree with all of the things that u say.
i will also post pictures soon


Active Member
very good....
it just sucks when people get the wrong info man i had so much bs told to me through my fish store and so much wrong equipment bought at inflated prices before i got a computer and researched it all....
well that sounds good that u have been doin ur homework and that u have a knowledgable person to help u out!
cant wait to see some pics