Hello Everyone

kevin j

I just wanted to say hello to everyone! I have been visting and
reading on this site for about a month now. Everyone seems so
helpful! I have been in the hobby for about a year now and have a twenty gallon tank that has done very well so far!:) But I bought a seventy-five gallon and am moving on up! So this is a very exciting time for me and am glad to share with you guys and gals as much as I have enjoyed reading about your experiances.

nm reef

Active Member
Howdy right back at ya...I read a lot of stuff here too....:D
Lots of great folks and some very experiencied saltwater pros...welcome to our place....hope you stay and help out ... or just hang out....you'll fit right in. There are several Ohio folks that come in pretty regular.....:cool:

kevin j

I plan on transfering everything from my twenty into the seventy-five. Then getting a ten gallon q-tank. See the deal with my wife is that I had to get rid of one if I got the other so ...sad to see the twenty go :( because I work very hard and take very good care of it. But like I said very excited :D about the seventy-five.


Active Member
I remember upgrading to a 75 gallon, it is quite excitiing.
Welcome to the board, kevin, you are gonna love it even more now that you are participating. And please do(if you wish)


Active Member
S'up Kevin. Hope the 75 has the same success... until you need to feed your addiction and upgrade again. :D
Good luck.


I know your wife said that to get the 75 your 20 must go, but you are going to get a 10 for a q tank? Perhaps you can convince her to keep the equipment for the 20 and the tank, and use it for a q tank instead. LEss stressful for new fish, and it will save you a couple bucks from buying a ten gallon tank. OR, you could keep it and make a refugium from it. Just a thought. :) Good luck with the 75, hope you enjoy the heck out of it!