hello, i'm new here


just starting a 20 gallon tank. got lots of help from this board already and am hoping to gain more insight in the near future. hello everyone!


welcome to the board, i know i was really happy when i found this board i was able to gain more information then i had from books or my LFS. I hope everything works out for you.


This board has helped me with many questions I have had and I have found solutions to some problems on here. Hope you find it just as helpful.WELCOME TO THE BOARD.................... :)


Welcome to the board! You've certainly come to the right place! This board is a fantastic resource for any aquarist, new or experienced, don't be afraid to ask questions! Hope you enjoy your plunge into the world of saltwater :)


Active Member
welcome aboard,a dn 20 gallons is plenty for a nice tank, but you will soon want more, if you can manage it, that is DEFINITE.

sinner's girl

welcome. good luck with your tank. remember to ask/research before buying (it will save you time, money and heartache).


Active Member
Welcome to the board, and contrary to a previous comment, 20G is PLENTY for a reef tank. I run a 20, and probably some of the nicest tanks i have seen on this board are 20 gallons. But, you will want larger, but IMO a 20 is a great place to start. Small enough for you to establish excellent husbandry, but not too small. Best of luck, and Please Please Please Ask Before You Buy!!


Thanks for the warm welcome!
I really feel like this is the place to be if you want to know about SW stuff.
So far, the advise has been great, but patience and waiting for cycling is becoming difficult!
Oh well, what is, just is.
By the way, anybody know of a free image hosting site?
Welcome to the board. I recently joined, mostly because my close friend is very much envolved in this hobby. It has enlightened me and has definately taught me alot about fish and the hobby in general. Good luck with your tank and definatley ask alot of questions this board is full of differnet views and opinions which is a great way to gain insight. Again Welcome.


Welcome tothe board. This is the best site in the world and better at helping you learn than any LFS, book, or even college. LOL


Hey, with the help of the people on this board, you will have no trouble getting that tank going!