Hello/Look Down Fish

marine qa

Hello everyone, I have not logged on in for quite a while.
My LFS has found a connection for "Look Down Fish". In case they go by different names, they are about 5inc in diameter, very thin, and bright silver.
None of my books describe this fish. I assume they will need a large tank, and they look as is they could be aggressive if they so desired.
I have begun plans for a 180g that may filter with an addition tank of LR/LS/Caulerpa that will be in the basement. This is essentially the same setup I have now. But on a much grander scale.

fish fry

I used to work in a place that has a whole school of them. The tank was a 7,000 gallon so there was no problem with aggression. They are pretty hardy fish. They do get large, easily 10-15 inches.
Hope this helps


Active Member
I've seen some of these fish while snorkeling and also at a LFS for around $70.
They are interesting fish but do get rather large and require a good size tank.
I have heard they like to be in schools but while snorkeling I have seen them alone with no others near by.


look downs agressive?? they are one of the most passive fish!! they like to be in schools but singles as long as there is nothing to mean in the tank are ok