Hello newb is this adequate?


New Member
Just recently converted my 30 gal fresh water tank over from fresh water. Filter is currently a Penguin Bio Wheel 200. Was just wondering if this filter is enough. Should I add power heads? just need recomendatios. Have purchased 20lbs of LR ! full bag of LS not sure how many pounds it was. What reaaly irks me is that my LFS told me that I could add livestock so being ill advised I did Damsels, 5 Crabs and 1 clraner shrimp. Needless to say I wll not be using him again ( was just tring to make a buck and hope he chokes on it). Contacted another LFS in my area and he said that he will take the fish for me seeing how my tanks has started to cycle yesterday ( been up and running for a week) and the amm and nitrated are off the scale and the water turned real cloudy. I have also noticed some slime white in color on top of water is this normal? well enough rambling on can you give me a very reasonable set up I should have to make this tank succesfull. I plane on getting about 10lbs of LR today and is it alright to add while tank is recycling?


IMO you should add at least two powerheads for water movement. I would also get a good skimmer. With the LR you should be able to get bye with the filter you have. I would add a little more LR if there's room. 1.5 lbs per gallon should provide good filtration.


Active Member
a good skimmer will run u around 500 for the euroreef brand, but its one of the best from what i hear!
but it all online to save money! especially the powerheads, u can get those for around $20 a piece..
you have just a 30 gallon tank, so i wouldnt go hog wild on the skimmer.... but dont buy a cheap one either! definately stay away from the seaclone 100 LOL


Toss out that Bio-Wheel, nitrate factories from what I've heard.
Try a good Fluval Canister Filter, or if you're willing to spend a little extra, a Refugium is good :)