1st: Worm-like things:
Some are gray, some are black, but they all retract and grow in size and have tiny little feelers or whisker type things in a circle around what I guess is their mouth. They're living in 2 of my rocks, one of which has my sun polyp growing on it, and I fear for it's health with these little bugs.
2nd: Shrimp/Beetle-like things:
Okay, these scare me alot too. They are light gray, and are about the size of my pinky nail. They look alot like shrimp with the way their bodies are constructed, but crawl around and live under rocks and things which reminds me of beetles. They don't bother the fish, but they do eat excess food on the bottom of my sand.
My question is if any of these are good or bad? And what the heck they are?! If they're bad is there any sort of chemical I could put in the tank to kill them off, or a fish/invert that would eat them for me? Thanks muchly!