

i have a 24 gallon tank, with one clown fish, a cleaner shrimp, a cc star fish, i have had it set up for about 2 years now and i just had a out brake of ick, in september, every thing died
, except the cc star and the corals :joy:. I just purchased the clown fish a couple of days ago and he seems to love my tank. and there is no ick on him, but i am keeping a close Eye on him. i am thinking of upgrading my tank to a 50 gallon, but i am doing my research.


Active Member
Hi Big Fish!! Welcome to SWF.com!! Great place to ask questions and have fun learning from others' experiences...good and bad.
Post a lot. See ya 'round the boards!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by BIG-FISH
thanks for the welcome every body
LOTS....of useful info on here..You stumbled across a great site,very knowledgeable folks.post a question and get an answer..........sometimes a very brutally honest answer. :scared: but we like to call it "tough love"


Active Member
Welcome aboard!
Can't wait to see pics of your tank. Sorry about the ich outbreak. I had that happen with my freshwater tank, NOT fun. It sounds like you left the tank fishless for a good amount of time (at least 6 weeks?), this will ensure your ich problem is gone (of course until a new fish brings it in if not QT
Show us pics!


i would love to show some pics, but my camera sucks,, i just ordered a new one and it should be coming in a week.