HELLOhellohello is there anybody out there?

anyone who ever had problems with a powerhead collecting air somehow and blowing micro bubbles into their tank? obviously i need to find someone smarter than me to figure this out. i'll tell you what i've tried so far--(and no, i don't have an air line connected to it) i have turned it upside down and sideways, i have shut it off and let the bubbles in the tank "get out" and then turned it back on again. i have taken off the intake guard and i have used my turkey baster and blown the air out of it. where is this thing getting air from? it is completely submerged and there is no whirlpool sucking any from the surface.


Active Member
It has to be sucking air from the surface. Even if you don't see a whirlpool, it only takes a split second to draw down a small amount of air and spit it out into 10 million tiny air bubbles. Try moving it even lower down in the water.
i moved it down. its about 2 1/2 inches from the surface and still blowing bubbles. the intake is about 4 1/2 from the surface. i hate to move it any lower as it will be blowing on stuff i dont want it to and not hitting the coral that needs it. it only pumps 295 gph so there is really not a great amount of suction i just dont get it


Active Member
So the intake is on the bottom?
Flip it over for about a minute. There may be air collected inside of it that is slowly coming out.

naclh2o nut

Try to put a small piece of air hose on it. Short enough that it is under water, maybe there is air trapped in the intake, had that happen years ago on one. It sucked water in hose and air stopped.
i already tried the upside down thing. i'll try putting a short tube on the air intake and see if that works. it says maxi-jet on the powerhead.


Active Member
hmm..usually the aquaclears do this all the time..the one maxijet I had never did that...I dont like those type of powerheads anyway..I say get rid of it and replace it with like a Hydor Koralia 2 or something

tank a holic

Active Member
you need to replace it, the air is coming from the sealed chamber that holds the motor and its letting water in, it will eventually short out


Active Member
Originally Posted by tank a holic
you need to replace it, the air is coming from the sealed chamber that holds the motor and its letting water in, it will eventually short out
Now that makes sense. I don't see any other way that air bubbles could be coming out except the surface, or this theory...good call
well i said i wasnt going to spend any more money on my tank for a while but it looks like i need a new ph because my last resort (putting a short piece of tubing in the air intake) wont work because i cant find any air intake hole.


Active Member
Originally Posted by michelleolds
well i said i wasnt going to spend any more money on my tank for a while but it looks like i need a new ph because my last resort (putting a short piece of tubing in the air intake) wont work because i cant find any air intake hole.
If its a Maxijet it should be right on the outlet nozzle.
If you want to do one last check, unplug it and take it out of the water. If its leaking from funny places, its shot.

naclh2o nut

Originally Posted by michelleolds
well i said i wasnt going to spend any more money on my tank for a while but it looks like i need a new ph because my last resort (putting a short piece of tubing in the air intake) wont work because i cant find any air intake hole.
Be careful of what you say, they can hear you
. It never fails the tank needs more when you have none. When you have it you want to spend it on it. How does it know this