Helo !!!!! Omg What Happened ?? It Used To Be So Pretty ??


I dont know what is going on but can anyone tell me what is happening to my anemone ??
Please see pic one and then compare it to number 2.
Its been slowly deflating, losing color, etc etc. Now it wont stay footed at all ??



Originally Posted by SCUBA Diva
How long has this been going on? What lights do you have it under and what are your water parameters?

compact fluor 2 x 65 10000k and 2 65 actinics.
All was well in the same lighting. I just dont know what happened. Was going to check parameters tonight. Did big H20 change though, a week ago. no change at all.


Active Member
Looks like it's not happy with your lighting. It could take months for an anemone to start showing signs that it's not happy. That's my guess.... lighting isn't strong enough.
I would try to move him as high up on the rocks as possible to get him as close to the light as you can.

scuba diva

Also, check salinity/gravity. I got a bad batch of water from a LFS and they had extremely hight salt content. It was a real shock to my inverts! It took a couple large H2o changes to get every one happy. I lost some corals also.


Originally Posted by SCUBA Diva
Also, check salinity/gravity. I got a bad batch of water from a LFS and they had extremely hight salt content. It was a real shock to my inverts! It took a couple large H2o changes to get every one happy. I lost some corals also.
Salinity is perfect.
The lighting doesnt make sense though. its been the same for months and months.


i'm thinking lights too.... also remember lights are more bright/lighter/stronger power in the first few months and then tend to lose power slightly... and thats where it's possibly gone wrong.