Help A Beginner


New Member
Hey Users,
I am an advanced freshwater fish keeper, I've been keeping many kinds of cichlids especially mbunas. Now, however, I would like to begin saltwater. I have been researching A LOT, and found many things, I already know most of the popular fish, however, since I have no experience, I would like your help to answer the questions I have.
Ok, so I would like to have a fowlr setup, I am thinking about a 55g.
Could you guys tell me the equipment I would need for that tank (I know that I need protein skimmer..., but, I just wanna have your opinion).
Then, my second question would be about the stocking.
The fish that I would love to have would be a clownfish couple plus anemone (only invertebrate I would buy), then, I like lion fish, triggerfish (especially picasso), I like gobies and tangs in general. My favourite fish though is the mandarin...
So, could you guys suggest me stocking list for this kind og setup?
Thank you

eric b 125

welcome to the boards! you've come to the right place, thats for sure. you dont NEED a skimmer, per se. some people swear by them while others dont see the need. to have an anemone you'll need upgraded lighting. the mandarin will have to wait for your tank to mature, and no tangs in a 55, i wouldnt suggest a volitan either-they get pretty massive. i'm not sure about the triggers in a 55. the thing with a 55 is that its not all that wide. have you read the 101 tips thread yet? tons of good info there. do you plan on running a sump/fuge on this system?

small triggers

Active Member
unless you plan un upgrading later, triggers in a 55 wont take to long to outgrow that. your best bet ar the gobys you like maybe a pygmy angelfish some cardinalfish, hawkfish, chromis with your clowns you want and the anemone. Probably no more than 7 fish all togther depending on their habits and food consumption...the best timing for your mandarin to add is when you notice all the white looking bug things crawling around at night which are copepods and amphipods, they are the food source for the mandarins and you must have a steady supply before adding that fish, it can take 6 months to a year to get a healthy batch of copepods living in your tank.


Well-Known Member

WELCOME!!! You came to a great place to learn and get help....
What you need is a good book to explain what fish gets along with what, and their needs....this book is what I use, it is very useful. I am attaching a page so you can see the type of info it offers.



thats a great book, i just got into saltwater and i keep going to that book trying to pick fish out. it is very helpful!