Help a noob with possible Ick problem. Poor fish! With Pics...

So I picked up an established (1.5 yr) aquapod from a buddy of mine. It is 24g with PC's. It came with a clown. I stocked it with a Coral Beauty, Six line Wrasse, Rockline Goby, and a bunch of coral and inverts. So everything was fine until yesterday when I noticed something on my Pigmy angel (Coral Beauty) it had something on it that looked like glitter. Today it has gotten worse. He is still eating fine and acts as if everything is cool. My clown doesn't have it but he does have a little spot on his forehead above his eyes where it looks like his skin is poking up. The wrasse and goby are perfect. I feel so sorry for the little guy and I want to help him.
Here's the thing, everywhere I look it says to put them in a Q/T. Seeing as I just got this one I have no Q/T and dont have the funds to buy everything just for this. I can get a cheap aquarium but I can't spend $100+ on extra pumps and skimmers and what not. Im a poor college student. I really dont want this to wipe out all of my fish either. What can I do? Thanks guys.