help a noob


New Member
hey i want to star a nano tank since i want to get exprinace and have a nice desk pice as well (and i dont have money for a big tank atm) so i was wondering how much money do i need to start a nano tank my lfs dosent carrie any so im lost any help would be vary nice
thx in advanced


Active Member
Will be a good 250.00 to start--for the tank, sand, rock. You'll need a thermometer, a heater, a test kit, salt, livestock, etc etc etc. $250 is the MINIMUM just to get a tank on your desk with nothing in it. And you MUST have patience! Buy some good books and learn learn learn.


New Member
humm my buddie offerd me his 40 gallon for 400 bucks it comes with pc lights or vho it comes with a wet dry and a skimmer a power head heater temp reader is it good oh it come with stand too


Active Member
Guess it depends on if you're buying a used setup or all new....If you can, go shop around at your local pet stores....and online.


Active Member
Just to let you know you wont be able to be the 40 on your desk. I would say you could do a 24 gallon stocked and everything for around 4-500. Do you want to go reef or FOWLR


HA! I wish I could have only spent $400-500 to stock my 24 gal! I have around $1500 in this tank!! But I have a lot of corals, and spent a lot of money on the lights & filters, but that's beside the point.
If you stick with a stock AquaPod or Nano cube tank and only have soft corals, you won't spend that much. Buy live rock online, you will beed 25-30 lbs, you'll save money that way, most LFS charge between $6-10 per lb, whereas online you can find it for between $2-4 per pound.


Active Member
Be ready to spend $400-$500 for a decent nano when you are all said and done with it. You'll never fully stock a nano for $250 when you total it all up.