The yellow-belly mentioned is ME, not a fish!!!
We got our tank with an eye towards softies and other reef critters but now I'm too chicken to take the leap and go from having FOWLR to inverts. We've got a 130 gallon with:
live sand/crushed coral
80 lbs of liverock (we'd like to get one more 40 lb shipment before we feel we have enough LR)
sucky Seaclone skimmer which we'd like to replace
double biowheel power filter for backup
Fluval 404
2 900 powerheads on each end of the tank (thinkin we might need at least 2 more powerheads or a wavemaker but not sure right now)
lighting: 2 subcompacts 10,000K and blue actinic and one "spotlight" 6500K daylight bulb in the middle (it adds up to about 1.75 watts per gallon for us)
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrates barely register since we did a water change maybe a week ago and yes, using RO/DI water
dosing with Purple Up
critters: about 20 snails, 10 blue legs, 1 emerald crab, 1 velvet damsel, 1 yellow tang, 1 HUGE peppermint shrimp (all of em fat and sassy
We also plan to get a DIY sump/fuge so we can get our equipment out of the tank and get some macros and pods going.
We're plagued right now with algae (I'm pretty sure the great majority of what we've got is just the brownish diatom stuff) so I've been afraid to get anything till we get that under control for fear it would cover them and kill them. But we've been fighting this %$#& algae for almost a year now
I've got such an ITCH to get some softies in there though!!!!!!! Any thoughts or suggestions?
We were thinking of starting with some mushrooms and fanworms and only later down the line trying to tackle some of the harder things like anemones and such after some upgrades.

live sand/crushed coral
80 lbs of liverock (we'd like to get one more 40 lb shipment before we feel we have enough LR)
sucky Seaclone skimmer which we'd like to replace
double biowheel power filter for backup
Fluval 404
2 900 powerheads on each end of the tank (thinkin we might need at least 2 more powerheads or a wavemaker but not sure right now)
lighting: 2 subcompacts 10,000K and blue actinic and one "spotlight" 6500K daylight bulb in the middle (it adds up to about 1.75 watts per gallon for us)
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrates barely register since we did a water change maybe a week ago and yes, using RO/DI water
dosing with Purple Up
critters: about 20 snails, 10 blue legs, 1 emerald crab, 1 velvet damsel, 1 yellow tang, 1 HUGE peppermint shrimp (all of em fat and sassy
We also plan to get a DIY sump/fuge so we can get our equipment out of the tank and get some macros and pods going.
We're plagued right now with algae (I'm pretty sure the great majority of what we've got is just the brownish diatom stuff) so I've been afraid to get anything till we get that under control for fear it would cover them and kill them. But we've been fighting this %$#& algae for almost a year now

We were thinking of starting with some mushrooms and fanworms and only later down the line trying to tackle some of the harder things like anemones and such after some upgrades.