Help advise needed Urgent!!


Hi all,
I currently have a 10G and i would like to switch it to a 20G. Can i just transfer everyhting to the new 20G??...... (Water, LS,LR and Livestock?)


Active Member
a pending tank change is not urgent... or extreme.... though very hard to do for the first time.
yes you can transfer everything but the results may not be satisfactory. once you disturb an established sand bed... any thing may happen nothing, nitrate spike, amm spike, PH shift, O2 dep, who knows. the worst I have ever expirienced in a tank change over is an algae bloom. but it was always bigger tanks, than what I had before with a more restricted feeding schedual untill I built up to an established setup.
may help may not


Okay, so i guess it would be entirely up to me, whether i should just take the risk and tfr it or slowly established the 20G then transfer it.... will think about it.

Thanks Reef


Active Member
What I do when transfering an established tank is have at least half the water needed for the new tank ready in buckets made fresh, transfer the tank water into buckets with the LR and corals/fish into separate with 1/4 water added from new salt mix water.
I leave a few inches of water in the old tank above the sand bed. Then I mix the sandbed up very well and remove with a net so it drains. This I then place into a bucket that has some of the old tank water enough to cover the sand by a few inches and mix this again to remove final debris and place sand into new tank,
Then aquascape with LR and place small plate on bottom, pump in some of the old water onto the plate so it doesn't stir up sand and then add corals and fish, etc. and top off with remaining established water.
Have made many tank changes and never had any problems.
But if you are going from small to larger tank need enough new water to fill, jsut make sure the temp and ph is the same.


flricordia....thanks mate....followed your instructions and everything seems to be well. i'll post pics tomrw when everything settled down. I took extra steps though, figured that if u introduce a new fish to the tank i acclimatise it so.....i did just that to all of my livestocks.
a big thanks to everyone and if possible (bcoz of the distance) i would buy you guys around of beers!!!!!!! hahhaahah


micheal, yes thank god i did resolve the heat issue....i moved my tank to the deepest and darkest part of the house with lots of air circulations.....hehhehe.....My room. I installed 2 x 4 inch PC fans and so far so good the room temprature around 84 TO 86F and the tank would be at 82 to 84F well thats the best i could afford until my LFS order my chiller. ( too bad he is the only Saltwater LFS in town, otherwise i ould have gone to another one)