HELP!!! All the corals are nearly dead!!!


New Member
I have a 55g tank with some LR and LS, I had wasted tons of cash to get the tank that I want but my corals are always dying, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I use normal tap water and salt in it when adding water in the tank, I just bought a light system for it and I have 4.95 watts per gallon, wet/dry filter 2 powerheads, a protien skimmer and I think thats it, I put chemicals in there like I'm suppose to but I can't figure what I'm doing wrong here.
Please! Help
Amonia : 0.00
Nitrire: 0.00
Nitrate: 0.00
Ph : 7.8
salt lev 1.023
Lights 1 96 watts 10000k bulb, 1 96watts Blue 6700k, and 2 20watts regular florecent lights.I take these test every two weeks & I mix the water with salt before I pour it in the tank. One more thing I have Power Compact retrofit light thingy.
[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: Adnanz861 ]
[ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: Adnanz861 ]
[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: Adnanz861 ]


I hate to make it sounds like a lecture to you. You need to tell us a little more about your tank. How often you test your water and the water parameters as well. Adding tap water directly into your tank might bring you troubles. Sometimes the copper pipes leach ap water trace of copper into your water and poison your coral and fish. Please tell us a little more and you will get a lot of help in here.


Active Member
Your pH is obviously too low.
You may be poisoning your reef with heavy metals from your tap water or the chemicals you added and didnt mention testing for.
Your lights are too weak for almost every coral.
I recommending spending some of that money on a good book with some of that money.