help anemone sucked into skimmer


Turn off the skimmer and see if it relocates itself. Be careful if you attempt to remove it yourself, If the disk is ripped then survival isnt likely

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by chunks
Turn off the skimmer and see if it relocates itself. Be careful if you attempt to remove it yourself, If the disk is ripped then survival isnt likely

only a little bit of it outside it is gone, but what about fish in tank?///


If you can remove the anemone from the intake without damage, go ahead. What type of anemone is it? How much light do you have in your tank, do you think the anemone was moving because of lack of light?
The fish should be fine for the short period of time the skimmer is off as long as you have a powerhead or something

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by chunks
If you can remove the anemone from the intake without damage, go ahead. What type of anemone is it? How much light do you have in your tank, do you think the anemone was moving because of lack of light?
The fish should be fine for the short period of time the skimmer is off as long as you have a powerhead or something
rose anemone and it is dead...

pulled skimmer out and clean it up...
but junk all in my tank...

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Do a 50% water change and run carbon. Lots of threads about this happening......

i did a 25% water change cleaned out skimmer and runing hob cardon filter
thank for the help
hop all gos well