HELP!! anenome crowding other corals


Active Member
so i get home last night and i find that my pink tip anenome has moved (again!) and he is inbetween my devils hand, xenia, and cabbage leather. its tentacles are touching all 3 corals. i put a power head on the anenome trying to blow him away. i did this last night and this morning it was still in the same spot. should i move it myself or u think it will move on its own?? will its tentacles harm the other 3 corals?? they looked fine last night when i saw them. HELP!!
:help: :help:


New Member
I am no expert, but will tell you what has happened to me and a friend of mine.
Between the 2 of us we have had about 15 Anenomes. Everyone of them have moved around the tank, except the Green Carpet Anenome. Both of them have stayed on the bottom right where we put them.
Hope this helps with your question.


This is the risk you run with having anemones. My suggestion would be NOT to move him yourself unless you have to, this will only cause him stress and will likely make him move again. It has to check your tank out to find the right spot for itself. If so far it has not bothered any of your corals after touching 3 of them, then just keep an eye on it. When it hits a spot that you like then feed him right there and see if he settles down.


Active Member
ive had the anem for about 4 months and he never got that close to other corals. it always moves around, but always stays in the same general area. ive fed it numerous times in that area. this is the first time its gotten that close to the other coral. i checke it this morning before work and before the lights were on and it has moved back to the general region that it was in, but that doesnt mean anything. usuall at night with no lights the anem retreats into a cave, so i guess i will see what happens when i get home from work tonight.