HELP! angel fish dieing!


Active Member
i put this on the diease board but no one has answered for the past 3 hours and i need help bad, i dont think it will survive at all, plus i dont have a hospital tank
i changed the water last night and after i was done, i checked the water and the test kit, i couldnt tell if the ph was 8.2 or 8.4... it looked like it was 8.2, nitrite/amonia/nitriate is 0...
The angel fish has its mouth open and is swiming up and not straight in this direction " / ", i notice that the fins look like they are bitten but my maroon doesnt even attack the angel...
I basically did this to the new water i added in, on tueday i mixed tap water put in the powerhead in the bucket until thrusday night. on thursday night i put the bucket in a pool of hot water and waited afew minutes when the temp was right, i mixed up the water from the tank and the one in the bucket, then i slowly poured the water, slowly like it took me 20 minutes until i completely added the water, i changed 6 percent of the water.... the salinity is about 1.023
is there something i did wrong? please help
if theres medication, treatment anything, please tell me
this is the second time that this has happend to another angelfish i had but it died before i could do anything, i dont want this one to die.
my anomie is alive and healthy; arent they more sensitive to water? so idont know whwhy this is happening to just the angel?
its 9:15 know


what was in the bucket before you filled it with new water? do you normally wait that long to let water mix with the salt? i am assuming that is why you waited until thursday to do the actual change. i really don't think waiting that long for water and salt to mix. especially if you are only doing ....5 gallons?
good luck to you and your angel.


Active Member
i heard the longer you wait for the salt to airate with a powerhead the better, so i waited 2 nights, the bucket was clean, i only changed less then 2 gallons
its not doing any better, maybe worse.... it layed on the rocks for a while and swam back up and layed again and swam back up...


From you signature, I'm guessing it's the Flame Angel? Also, did I see that the tank is 15 gallons? I think I found your problem. Angels eat alot from the rocks...algae, sponges, etc. The pick/grave...sort of like tangs. In addition to whatever you feed them. I think your tank is too small AND too new to support the grazing area for an angel...that's probably why the first died, too.


Active Member
do you have AOL instant messanger? i have macro algae all over the tank, i think its too big for the tank now... but it always seems fine, only UNTIL I CHANGE MY WATER, for some reason...... =(
i was told that it was a hardy fish and would be okay if in a 15...


Hey, sorry I never made it back on Friday night. Had to go right out after I got home? What happened? I thought you were going to take the fish back to the LFS?


Active Member
it just died and my maroon has ich, but it had it before and should be able to pull through in afew weeks


Active Member
i totally agree with you now, i learned the real hard way =(, the guy in the lfs said it would be fine, i hate that place now


Active Member
the reason why i just found out, is the nitrates are at 40. is there any meathod or products to fix this problem?


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Kent Superbuffer-dKH is a specially formulated pH buffer and alkalinity or carbonate hardness (KH) builder, designed to adjust the pH of saltwater aquariums to the range of 8.0 to 8.3 and build the KH. Superbuffer-dKH is the finest buffer available for either fish only or reef type marine aquariums and is designed to mix clear with little or no cloudiness or precipitation
thats what it says on the superbuffer, so what would happen if my ph was higher then 8.0? would it make my ph even higher?making it jump .3 times what it is now?


I see you used tap water to make your saltwater, maybe there is something in your tap water, I always use RO water.Try testing your tap water and see what is in there.


Active Member
acutally from now on im going to use RO water since i found a place that sells it..... safeway, right infront of the store 35 cents a gallon
do you know the answer to the question about the ph buffer i have, im baffled.... i dont know anything about buffers