Help! anyway to get two fish to get along?


sinner's girl

I have a clown fish, today we bought another one. the one i have (angel) is twice the size of the new one. She (angel) is terrizing the new clown. my b/f says that if Angel doesn't leave the new fish alone he'll bring Angel to the fish store. please I don't want to lose my fish, is there anyway to make them get along?
the clown already established his territory..the best thing to do is bring it back..since it bigger and comfortable in the tank it see the other as a threat. you should have started with a pair


try taking her out for a while maybe move a few rocks and put her back in she might not recognize her territory and they may get along


I don't quite get what you're trying to say here. I get confused with the names :) . But I think what you're saying is that you have a clown named angel, and you bought another one with smaller size. And the big one is terrorizing the new one. Is that right? Because if it is, then that's just how it is :) .
Like TRIGAHAPPYNIGERog said, the old clown already established its territory. But since they are the same species and the old one is bigger, then give it a little time, but if the terrorizing gets worse, I'd return the new one. Just because it's new and you don't have that connection to him as you have with the old one :) . The new one needs to adjust to the new environment, and change its --- to male. The bigger one will be the female. I think the chances of successfuly pairing them, if I'm not mistaken, is 25 percent.
Do you have any anemones for this fish? Because probably the anemones is the reason why it's aggresive towards the newbie. They defend their anemones like crazy.
I hope that helps a little.


My LFS told me a trick of covering the tank with towels, so that it is completely dark, the fish cannot see each other and cannot fight; this may give them enough time to settle in. Watch your temp, as it may climb with the tank covered. This worked for me with an established yellow tang and a newly introduced Asfur Angel. I covered the tank for an entire day, by the next day there was still some bickering and chasing, but now two weeks later they are getting along FINE! I would try several tricks combined, such as moving the rock around, the covering with the towels. If worse comes to worse, you can take Angel out and put her in a time out tank for a few days (a sick tank) and re-introduce her again, maybe she will feel like the newcomer. I hope any of this helps. Good Luck. :)

sinner's girl

Hey, thanks guys. Should have maybe but we didn't.
stupid_naso -you got it right, Since the one i have has been alone for so long we thinks it's female (if they are alone they turn female -at least that's what i've read)
We don't have anemones. We had one, but A) my fish didn't like it (i think since it was tank raised without one?) and B) it died a long time ago.
TANGCRAZY -THANKS for the tip! we will try that. right now we have the bigger (older one) in a bag, the little one it having fun, but they are going at it. we'll cover the tank
and then move the rocks around before adding her.
Thanks again guys, i didn't want to lose my fish.

sinner's girl

Update. We put the one we had (the bigger one) in a bag over night, she'd still try to get at the little one (the new one) when the new one moved pasted the bagged, (i think it was pay back time) anyway, this morning the big one was set free in the tank, we covered the tank so it was dark. i removed the cover when i saw they were getting along. Only problem is the little is used to being in a school and the big one is used to being alone. so the little one follows the big one around and the big one tries to get away (kind of like having an little bro or sis). So thanks again!


I cant help notice where you list you tanks habitants you say you think your is dead,you should really check ..if it is it should be removed before it pollutes the tank

sinner's girl

That's a good idea, but I don't know if it's dead or how to really tell. it lost one of it's legs, and since then hasn't moved, my b/f says he saw it move. Is there anyway to tell if it's dead? (I try to stick my hand in the tank as little as possible) does it change colors when dead?
Also, if it is dead, wouldn't the clean up crew simply eat him? and the filtering system take care of the rest? we've lost creatures (though not fish, always took dead fish out) before and never took them out (well, of course we'd have to be able to find them to take them out...)
I guess i'll search when i get time