

I have been hearing a clicking sound. It is usually in successive clicks from 1 to 3 clicks. ALl times of the day and night. I am not sure if this is a Mantis or a pistol. I did see something the size of my fingernail a month ago. It reminded me of an anemone crab. It was white with red colorations. I have not lost any fish, crabs, snails, or shrimp. Please help!


Active Member
Been trying to figure out the same thing with my tank, but from what everyone has told me, if it is a mantis, the clicking would generally be it trying to bash in some shells on some snails or crabs. If you haven't lost anything, it may very well be a pistol shrimp.


If you have Discovery Science channel look in the guide to see if they are repeating a show they had on saturday about the Great Barrier Reef. They had great footage of a mantis shrimp doing its thing and would help you identify it. I was wondering about them too before I saw it now I want a species tank for one.


I just built a home made trap by cutting up a 2L pop bottle and putting some shrimp inside. I have heard this may work. If I catch whatever it is, I would be happy to try and send it to someone.


Active Member
I have been hearing clicking sounds on and off for about a month now but I have not seen anything. I have lost 4 large turbo snails and several hermits. I didn't think much of it until this post. How will I know if I have an unwanted guest?


the mantis i extracted from my tank was very bold--I was video taping the tank one night--and right before my eyes he comes up and grabs one of my clean up crew. I caught him red handed!!!!
I caught mine with a 20oz plastic coke bottle and some cocktail shrimp. Good luck!