
New Member
Ive got a tank..all of the fish are swimming at the bottom. Lost my anenome, looks like I may lose them all..what could this be? What can I do to fix it?


If your anemone was not taken out right after its death it is probably the toxins that it released that is killing your fish.If available you might want to try moving your fish to another tank.Unfortunatley, this also happened to me and my roomate did not remove the dead anemone correctly and my whole tank crashed..Good luck.


New Member
he had to have died some time this it might have been in there for a few hours? Should i do a water change? I dont have extra salt (I know not smart), so I cant change too much.


well, that's what I did, a large water change and alot of stress coat..I didn't have an extra tank at the time either..but to be honest I don't think it would have helped..The toxins are so strong even my hermit crabs crawled out of their shells before dying..not a pretty picture.But, give it a try and change your filter media, at least you'll know you gave it your best shot.Did you syphon the anemone out?That is the best way to reduce it breaking up into your tank and clogging your filter.Make sure to clean your filter thoroughly.Good luck!


New Member
I have a 29 gallon tank. I changed about 5 gallons and tested for ammonia (which was at 0 when i tested this am) it was at 8!!! (Not good) I put the fresh water in there, and put in some ammonolock. Clown fish is a bit happier, and although still fairly low in the tank, he seems to be moving about a little bit more. Salinity is a little low now, since I dont have salt to add, but at 1.021 I think Ill be okay til the am when I can get some more salt. Ill check the ammonia levels in the am, and if need be do another small water change. Im just hoping that I caught it quick enough to save them. I dont have alot of fish (only 4 fish and the anenome crab)but Id still hate to see them die. When I took the anenome out he was falling apart and slimy, but last I talked to them (yeah I talk to them..LOL) it couldnt have been more then a few hours ago. Guess Im lucky I had to finish painting the kids bedroom and was up late..I cant imagine the mess Id have had in the am!! Im hoping it wasnt long enough to do too much damage!! Id hate to have to start over!!
Thanks to all of you that offered help. I should have thought of a water change right off, just figured with everything testing perfect this am that something was wrong which made the anenome die, and whatever made him die, was what was ailing the other fish!
Does anyone know of a website that you can find out info like this (what might be ailing a tank) if in the future I find something wrong at Midnight?
Thanks again.


New Member
You're probabally at the best place to get help with a problem at midnight! I hope the kids room that you were painting wasn't anywhere near the tank. The paint fumes could have easily poisened your tank if you have enough air exchange!


New Member
Looks like the fish are doing just fine this am !!
The fishtank isnt right near the kids room, so i dont think it was the paint fumes!
Thanks everyone for their help!!