Help Berlin Skimmer flowing over every 5min.


I have a berlin skimmer in my 60 gal.. Every Weds. I shut it down for about two hours when I feed my corals. This morning lots of tiny bubbles and my skimmer cup was foaming over...It did this last week and I emptied cup and put back on no problem. This morning I emptied and replaced cup and it started to over flow in less than five minutes. I've check air's not cogged...please help.


Are you by chance adding an additive that incresases the effeciency of your skimmer? Your situation reminds me of an identical incident that occured with my Berlin a couple of years back. I added a liquid product (can't remembere the name) that was to maxmimize skimming. what I had instead was an overfolwing collection cup (all water with little skim). Problem stopped whew I stopped using the product.:rolleyes: