Help Bi Color Angel


I have started on a saltwater tank within that last month. Everything has gone well untell today. I noticed my bi color angel was MIA. I ended up getting really worried about my baby so i ended up moving my rocks. It some how moved it self in a hole and could not get out. I ended up having to move things around untell he was loose. Now he is swimming funny. Any ideal what i can do to help my poor baby out? :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
Just keep your eye on him should be fine. Never really heard of them getting stuck... is it possible you had a little rock slide that pinned him???


My baby did not make it over night. I sat up and watched it tell i felt like it made a recovery. When i woke up this morning in was next to the intake of my pump.

I bet it was a rock slide. I have noticed the fish have been moving the CC around making new homes. Might have just moved to much of the CC and boom.

Know i need to find a new mate for my blue dot puffer. Any recomendations?? Should i start lookin into some cleaning crews?? Tank has been up for just over a month and is FO.


You have a puffer in a 30 gallon and want to add more fish? I'd reconsider unless you plan to get a bigger tank soon.
Sorry about your angel.