Help brown stuff all over my tank!


I have brown stuff all over my 55 gal. tank! My guess is some kind of algae?? The little bit of lighting I've done, leads me to believe it might be a "diatom bloom"? But I'm only guessing.
My water is perfect. I tested myself, and to confirm I took a sample to my LFS. Other than SG being a little low 1.023, all other parameters were great.
My 65 lbs. LR was purchased from this site, and had been looking good, but is now "browning" as well - and is just ugly.
My 60 lbs. of LS was three 20lb. bags of LS (Aragonite) - no play sand, beach sand or anything else.
I also have a clean-up crew, also purchased from this site and one Coral Beauty Angelfish, which is doing well, but I've only had him since Sunday.
In an earlier post, written a few days ago, I swore that something was eating my LR. I now suspect it was this brown stuff. It's on the LS, LR, tops of the Power heads, and the HOB overflow basin.
Now the lights - which I believe is causing the problem - I have PC & Actinic lights. I turn them on at 5:00am, and turn them off at 10:00pm. That's 17 hours!
Now the questions!
Do you think I'm correct in my hunch about the lights?
Any other thoughts?
Finally, how do I get rid of this stuff and keep it OUT???


Active Member
It's diatoms, it's natural and means your tank is normal for its age. It will go away soon. Cut your lights back to 12 hours. It's a little early for the angel. I hope it is eating prepared food, since they normally pick at micro-algae on your rocks for a lot of their food.

sudn rsh

New Member
I am just a newbie on here but it sounds like your right it is diatom and from what i have learned on here that is way too long for the light seems most people say it sould be like 8-10 hrs or less and you should check your phosphate. i had diatom and i bought some phosban and it cleaered up ALL my diatom in a couple weeks


OK, so it'll go away soon, but what does that mean? Will all the brown stuff just suddenly disappear, do I actually need to clean stuff (LR, LS, power heads, etc.). If the answer is to clean - exactly how do I clean the LR & LS?