HELP! Bulkheads Leaking


I just put this tank together and brought it outside to do a freswater test and leak test. I found out that all, and i mean all six of my bulheads are leaking. Can i put silicone around the inside lip to stop this. Its not a large leak just a drip a second or so. Any help is appreciated


can sometimes happen if there either not tight enough or too tight.hand tighten them then turn them 1/2 to 3/4 more with a wrench.see if that helps.

my way

Active Member
Which side is the gasket on? It goes In the tank with the bulkhead not the outside with the nut.


Originally Posted by My Way
Which side is the gasket on? It goes In the tank with the bulkhead not the outside with the nut.
Yes, almost sounds as if the gaskets are on wrong...


Active Member
The bulkheads probably just need to be tightened....empty out the water and loosen all the bulkheads up, inspect the rubber gaskets to be sure they are not split or damaged and also the bulkheads . then reinsert them, make sure they are seated correctly with the "flange and gasket" inside the tank and the longer end which is threaded on the outside outside of the tank . then hand tighten like they advised then another 1/4 to 1/2 turn with a wrench. I don't think I would use silicone. you shouldn't need to use silicone. the other possibility is if you have attached pvc
already to the bulkhead, that it is not glued properly and the leak is coming from the pvc joint and not the bulkhead.....hope the second time around things work out...


yeah everything is installed correctly with bulkheads and gaskets on right. the problem is everything is glued so i cant take anything apart
ant other suggestions?

mpls man

Active Member
so what are you saying, that the rubber gaskets are sealed, do you have them glued? just unglue them.. take them appart with a razor, what side do you have the gasket on should be on the inside...


i dont have the bulkheads glued, i have all the pvc glued. and like a noob i used all slip so..... cant take them apart. the gaskets are on the inside of the tank, so i think im gonna loosen the nut, and slip some silicon in between the bulkhead.

mpls man

Active Member
id say if you can get enough silicone in there you might be ok, you may have to re do it again because it might not seal..good luck
i've used silicone before but had to take it completely apart, should work though.

my way

Active Member
Don't silicone it, silicone does not stick to plastic and when it fails it's a PITA to cleanup to do it the right way. Try loosening the nut and push the bulkhead in as far as you can. Take a wet rag and clean the bulkhead, tank area surrounding the hole and both sides of the gasket. Now re-assemble it, making sure not to let the bulkhead twist (if you let the bulkhaed twist while tightening the gasket can get deformed creating a space for water to leak through). Tighten the gasket firmly.


Active Member
just loosen the nut again, position things well and tighten it up, then 1/4-1/2 turn with the wrench and it should be this first before using the silicone because you probably won't need it.


well i have taken advise and am not going to silicone it. I will loosen and tighten then test it again. well im not a noob to reefing, just to DIY. What makes acrylic bond to acrylic?

my way

Active Member
Look for Weld-On it comes in different thicknesses, the tighter the fit of your parts the thinner you can use.


where can i get Weld-On and is it made specifically for Acrylic?
thanks for all the info MY Way and others.