I have a 2000 Saturn SC1, 5spd, with about 84,000 miles on it. About 2 weeks ago the radiator fan motor was replaced and everything seemed fine. Then yesterday when I drove my car, sometimes not always when I slow down to turn or stop, the battery light comes on and it stalls but then it will start right back up. The even weirder part is that it only does this with the blower running(A/C). If I drive around with the A/C off( in 90+ weather, fun!) it runs normally and doesn't stall?? Also the times that it chooses not to stall even with the A/C running the voltage goes down real weak until I start driving again. For some reason this also effects the RPMs, they rise up normally as i accelerate but, then when i shift into the next gear they drop all the way to 0 and then pop back up to where they belong really quick. Oh yea and also I can have the A/C on high and be parked or just waitng, like at a drive thru or something and it doesn't stall or lose voltage?? I need help and don't have a lot of money and I'm a girl and don't wanna get ripped off, does anyone have any advice???