Help - Can you tell what may be wrong?


My Zoanthids are not doing well, my water parameters are: Amonia, Nitrite, Nitrate - all 0. PH 8.3 - Alk 8 dkh, Calcium 380-400.



Active Member
Also you may want to do a FW dip on them to be sure there are no Sundial snails or flat worms in there eating them away.


Using T5 lighting Nova Extreme Pro. Corals are halway up in the tank (125gal) I've been moving the Korilla 3 PH back and forth - up and down looking to see if it made any difference. I have 2 Korilla 3's and one Korilla 2 in the tank as well as the retrn from my filter. I am fighting a mild case of cyno bacteria and have been changing water about 25 gals per week. Using RO/DI with TDS readings of 0. I have reduced my feeding - I only have three fish - to once every other day.
Thank you

scopus tang

Active Member
How big is your tank, and where are the zoas sitting in relation to the light? Maybe you have them getting too much light