Help! cannot complete cycling.


Active Member
Hi all, about 24 days ago i had a disaster. All of my fish has died due to some kind of decease outbreak. The only animals that are still alive are 2 anemones, 7 turbo snails, 3 blue leg hermits and 6 shrimps. I cleaned all the rocks, gravel, made some water change and started cycling again. A have a 110 gal tank with sump, UV unit, 2 skimmers and 15 gal refugium. I'm adding bacteria every week. By now i have a 0 ppm ammonia, but nitrites are still about 0.1-0.2 ppm and doesn't drop at all. I had 1 return pump, which is 790 gph. I have added another pump, which is 520 gph.a cannot add more because of my overflow. Today i changed 25 gal of water and added more bacteria. UV unit is switched of for the last 3 weeks. My animals are seems to be acting normally, exept the long tentacle anemone was sucked into the circulation pump twice. Now she's hiding between the rocks. Maybe somebody may give me and advise or solution for this problem.
Thanks in advance.


Big shock to your system, it's going to take time to recover. What do you mean by "adding bacteria"? Don't try and shortcut the natural process by using additives, it usually delays cycling and can lead to other problems.
With that kind of disaster, you may just have to wait it out. I can tell you it took 4 months to cycle my 75 gallon, so all I can tell you is to be patient.