HELP cant beat the slime


New Member
I just cant seem to get the red stuff gone, tanks been up now 4mths. 35#'s LR 1.5" CC bed 108watt PC w/ new bulbs 3 weeks ago only on for 5hrs day. all levels about 0, Phosphates were high added a poly filter to help, Have been doing HYPO for about a mth and I think ick is gone. Fluval 405 w/ the rings inside nothing else, 3power heads, Rio 200 and 2 others about the same, and a BAK PAK skimmer with a Rio 200 all in a 55. Have taken all rocks out a washed off the slime 2 times done 20% water changes a couple of times and 10% about once every 10 days what can I do?? PLEASE help me its driving me CRAZY!!
1 med GRN Chromes, 2 small clowns and a Coral Beauty, he was the one with ICK,snails and crabs have deided due to HYPO.


Active Member
55 gallon so need to have 10-20x that in gpm water movement, i dontk now what the rios do.
what is the amount you feed?
get your snails and crabs back in--that's why you don't do hypo in your tank. also i hope you took out your rocks and your sand, if not they are completely dead as well.
you probably have a TON of waste building up--i'm surprised you read zero on ammonia.
get your water movement up, turn your lights off completely for 3 days. if all else fails, try red slime remover, but fix your problems not the symptoms.


New Member
small amount of brine every other day. raising the salinity up now so I can add the snails back what would you suggest for chem treatment, It just rinses off dont need to really scrub may alittle rubbing.


Active Member
Red slime is generally caused by low flow, tap water, and/or overfeeding. By having enough flow (and pointing it directly at the slime), using tap water, and feeding so much that a ton is left over on the sand/rocks, it should go away on its own. I just got done battling a nasty round and increasing flow did the trick for me.


Active Member
whoa wait a minute, you did Hypo in the DT??? no!!!
you are supposed to do hypo in the QT tank where the fish are, and leave the DT alone, the ick there will die in the time that the fish are in QT.
this may have even caused your tank to lose all or most of its beneficial bacteria, micro flora and fauna! this will cause an ammonia spike, and your tank will have to re-cycle. i really hope i read that wrong and that is not what happened.
as for the cyano, you have 5 rio 200, so at 0' they push 138 GPH, 138 x 5 = 690 GPH. this is barely over the 550 GPH minimum, but that should be enough to not get cyano. My thoughts are that the CC is blocking flow for the lower layers, so that is where the cyano is breeding. remove and replace the CC with LS, cause CC will only cause big problems down the road.
Only other thing, is that a lot of people dont use Fluvals. they need to be properly maintained and cleaned, and if not, than they too become problematic.