Help choosing replacement bulbs


Active Member
Hello, I have a 55g reef tank with LPS, SPS and a maxima Clam.
My lighting is a Nova Extreme 4x54w T5 (single reflector, 2 10k bulbs & 2 460 actinic bulbs) and a single 250w MH with an XM 15k bulb in it.
My current T5 bulbs are about 15 months old and the 15k bulb is about 1 month old.
I am looking at replacing the T5 bulbs as they are getting a little old.
So what should I get? Brand and color would be great!
Thanks in advance, John


New Member
The correct aquarium lighting depends on the individual set-up and the light requirements of the tanks inhabitants. Lighting influences the growth of your plants, corals, and invertebrates as well as the behavior of your fish. Incorrect lighting will result in many problems, as it is directly related to photosynthesis, CO2, and nutrients. Appropriate aquarium lighting that meets the requirements of your set-up will enhance the overall appearance and health of your fish tank.
