help chosing a eel


I've got a good deal on a 30 long and told my self the next tank i get i want to get an eel. I know a 30 is small, but i plan to upgrade this tank as i did when i got my 75. So i was thinking of getting this tank cause its a good deal then when the eel out grows it sell the tank and get a 55, or move everything from my 75 in to a bigger tank and put th eel in the 75. What are some good eels for a 55. and would do ok in a 30 for now. I was looking at a Jeweled Moray Eel
Ghost Eel
would love one of these 2 but know i cant get them
Chain Eel
Tessalata Eel
are wolf eels eazy to keep would that work
Any sugestions. I dont want to get a snowflake i see those every where.
Any one have an idea for a unique fish or eel. What ever i put in this tank is going to be the only thing in there.


Active Member
I've had both the jeweled and ghost ribbon eel.
The jeweled are very aggressive, and will eat any fish that they can catch, and fit into their mouth. Mine even took a chunk out of my porc puffer that was way to big for him to eat. After that he went to a new home.
The ghost ribbon eel was my favorite. He was constantly out. Even durring the day he would come out, and swim a few laps around my 80 gallon tank. It took a little time to get him to eat, but ounce he did he always ate well. Lost him when I was working on the canopy, and left it off for 1 night. He was very docile, and never bothered any fish or inverts at all.
Havn't had any experience with the other eels listed.


Active Member
Tesselata is out for a 30g...they get HUGE and are super aggressive. You'd need a bigger tank than a 55g or 75g to house that monster. Plus, they'll eat everything in site. I know this from experience!
The ghost eel is a good choice. Very active. Very pretty. I have one right now in a 29g. It's the perfect "small tank" eel. You can occasionally find these at your LFS. Ask your LFS to order one for you. Ghost eels are fish eaters, but are very thin---so bigger fish can withstand their assaults. Now, having said that, mine at a 2.5" percula once, so keep that in mind when you are looking for fish.
Chain eels are OK, but not the best looking eel, in my opinion. However, they are said to be very hardy.


New Member
Only one thing comes to mind,
Golden Tail Moray Eel
They're a couple steps up from snowflake eel in aggressiveness but alot nicer looking too. This eel is usually for 55 or bigger but can be done in small tank. Not ideal fish but different than other posts. Also one of the most aggressive looking fish i have had [my friends were somewhat afraid of it]
Its a nice middle range eel for smaller tanks


i got a sfe eel he is a bad dud eats huge shrimp he has grown about an 1/12 since i got him and put on some good girth i also like the chain link and the jeweled but would watch the jeweled if it is going to eat some fish. I love the eels dude they rock:cheer:


Is the goldspot eel and a goldentail eel the same. I found a book on eels and there are alot of eels that will work in a 30 if there the only thing in there. Found a gold spot but its 100. I saw what a golden tail looks like i like those, if the the gold spot is the same then im going to get that. Keep em comming any other ideas. This has now become a project for me and a couple of friends. WE are going to drill the tank and make a 10 wetdry. This tank wil l be totaly eel proof.


Active Member
The Gold Spot eel I know of is the Gold Spot SNAKE eel...different than a moray. Not sure how your LFS names its eels, maybe a gold spot is a goldentail. But to me they are very different.
Here is a gold spot snake eel:


Active Member
You'd probably get away with a Goldentail.
The ghost eel is THE perfect small tank eel, and very cool and active.
I like the Blackedge eels, but they are pretty common, so if you're looking for "pizazz", this ain't the eel! Eventually, it might be a tad rambunctious for a 55g.
Fimbriated morays, if I remember, can also do OK in a 55g. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong...)
Do a quick search on this site for small tank eels. I've posted a bunch on this...but I loaned out my great eel book with all the tank sizes listed...or I'd post it again. (the book is Reef Fishes, Vol. 1)
As for black substrate. I've seen it (my LFS sells it as "Tahitian Moon") looks cool UNLESS it gets covered with diatoms, then it looks gross. Personally, I like plain old live sand for the eel tank.


remember eels are escape artist so make sure your tank has a tight lid especially with a tank that small.


i have black sand in my 75 and 20 got a good cleaning crew so it says nice. I have about 5 pounds im not using ,but its been sitting for 6 months in water. It smelt bad so i boiled it but im not sure if that will not make it crash. Im looking into getting the indo pacific by carb sea. its got black and white live sand mixed together.
Any other ideas on eels


skimmers go by the size of the tank whatever size tank you got just get one that is in the recomended sizes of the skimmer for ex. 50gal to 100gal