I have a 30 gallon setup w/ zoo colony coral, 1maroon clown, 1 b/w clown, 2 percula clowns, 1 firefish goby, & 1 royal gramma. I introduced a pink pocillopora, pipe organ coral, & branching hammer coral last night. I run the dual satellite current power compacts with 130 total watts (65w daylight & 65w actinic). I acclimated the same way I acclimated everything else, and didn't turn the lights on for 4 hours after introduction. Everything is doing fine, fish & coral, and the water was clear when we went to bed last night. I woke up this morning to cloudy water, but everything seemed to be doing ok. I need some help, because if it's nothing, I can stop freaking out! The wife really loves the corals and I would hate for something to happen to our beautiful setup! Please help!