Help! Clown Goby Problem Disease bumps


I just added a black clown goby and a yellow clown goby 4 days ago....they did great the first day and were all over the tank. Starting about 2 days ago they got bumps all over them, but they arent white bumps. The yellow one has yellow bumps and the black on has black bumps. The only other symptom I can see is a little tearing of the back fin, but that is about it. There is a clown, a purple pseudo, a coral beauty, and a lawnmower in the tank, along with a neon goby who was picking at him (i mean like cleaning) and some peppermint shrimp. I feed them some frozen brine, but mostly pellet. I have done a water change since I saw this, and I have been putting in garlic, on a regular basis. I dont really know waht it is, wheter its bacterial or what.
my clownfish got ich once but it was a super long time ago, and the only thing I used was garlic and it was gone in a few days, so it wasnt a big deal, so this is the first time i have really dealt with some kind of disease. I checked the water the day I bought them, and the day before I bought them, and everything was in line and at 0, except for very very low traces of nitrates.
Any ideas what it may be? I will see if I can get a picture posted tomorrow, but it is 1 in the morning and they are sleeping and I wouldnt want to stress them out, thanks in advance for treatment advice!


i had a lemon(clown) goby in my 12 gal mini reef. mine had the same symptoms, im not sure what it is, but its a parasite because mine wasted away within weeks. i bought a much healthier one a few weeks later...and guess what...HE DIDNT EAT! your problem: clown gobies. i hate to be a downer and i always try not to be but i and many others havent had much success with these guys. although they are soooooo pretty and i loved watching mine, he just never ate. i dunno about anyone else on here, but i dont think they are worth the money and watching them die!