HELP clownfish laid eggs.. now what??


Active Member
Hey guys, long time no talk, i just recently went on vacation 2 weeks agos and i just got back to find out that my clownfish laid eggs. im heading to work now but i figured i can start a thread to get a little idea on what i should prepare for. i will definitly search the forums but a little quick 101 wouldnt hurt right? hahaha
i have a 10 gallon tank on the side for emergency so i guess i can use this as a breeder, i just finished doing a water change on my display tank. should i use the old water from my tank and use it as the 10 gallon water in the breeder?
i will head to the store and pick up a air pump and air stone and heater.
the eggs right now are brownish with silver spots, which according to another forum, is saying that they should hatch soon, im sure most of you will say to let this batch go and prepare for the next (which will most likely happen) but i want to be prepared for the next batch
thanks in advanced for the help


Active Member
Typically you can count it as free fish food. If you are going to try to raise them, you need to look into hatching brine shrimp and cultivating rotifers.
It's usually more of a headache then it's worth for the casual user.


Active Member
i am going to try to raise a batch, i have just recieved my rotifers and tonight ill be setting up the whole tank and stuff


Staff member
I'm going to move this to our clownfish forum. You may want to use our search feature for that forum. I'm sure there are topics there.
Also, Bang Guy knows exactly how to raise clownfish. Good luck with the bundles of joy!


New Member
If its the first batch I'd let the clowns eat them. It will make the next batch better
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