HELP: Clownfish sick?


New Member
I've had my clown in a small tank for almost a year now. He's been doing great this whole time. We've recently moved, and it did trouble him for a day, but the next day he was fine. Now a couple weeks later, I get up to feed him, and his eye is all puffy. He's still eating and acting normal, but seeing his eye really worries me. I'm gonna go out and look for water treatment tomorrow, but is there anything else I can do?
I'm sorry to have posted so soon. I've been reading much more subjects about this in the disease forum, and realized he most likely has pop eye. I've read about soaking his food in garlic. Fresh, I assume, and I'm going to check his water again.


Active Member
There are some "reef safe" herbal medications for pop-eye like Melafix that may help... the stuff says its reef safe.. but anemones and some coral HATE the stuff... I havent witnessed any dying from it.. but they sure do look crappy right after it goes in the water.
Pop-eye is kinda a pain in the butt once you get it. In a perfect world you would have a quarantine tank with nothing in it for him to heal... I say nothing in it because once a fish gets pop-eye they wanna try and scrape their eye on stuff to get rid of it... obviously only making the problem much worse.
Good luck, read more in the disease forum about pop-eye and treatments.


New Member
Thanks for the advice. I've checked on him today, and he's looking much better. (I haven't had anything in his tank since the move.) He's active as usual, just haven't actually seen him eat today.