Help! Clowns swimming on surface


We bought 2 Clowns tonite and they seemed to be doing fine. I just came out to check on them, it is now 4:30am our time! and both are swimming right up on the top of the water! What's wrong! What should I do! I want to go back to bed, but I am afraid that I will wake and find them both dead!


My Percula Clowns hang out on top of the water all the time, they never go towards the bottom of the tank they just swim in the bubbles or hang out on top. When my Clownfish sleep they go in the corner towards the top of the tank, i doubt you have a problem unless they're swimming upside down or something. I'm sure someone will better answer your question.


my sebae sometimes just wonders around and swims near the top of the water. but most of the day he's in his anemone. hey Mr.P how, you know any good LFS around. I know most of them .. just wondering if they're are any others. so how do you like the fish stores around sf


Without an anenome that's the behavior they will most often exhibit. It's pretty funny and entertaining but doesn't seem very natural...I will be getting an anenome for my 2 perculas that do the same thing when I'm comfortable enough with my water....My 2 Perculas spend 90% of the time in the upper half of the water column...


Mine just swims in circles. :( I don't know what to do. He has been doing that since I got him, almost a week ago. He looks fine otherwise, but I don't think he's eaten, unless he picks up little tiny chunks left over from the other fish. My water quality is just fine, but I don't know what to do witht he little guy. Any ideas anyone?


Originally Posted by exile415
my sebae sometimes just wonders around and swims near the top of the water. but most of the day he's in his anemone. hey Mr.P how, you know any good LFS around. I know most of them .. just wondering if they're are any others. so how do you like the fish stores around sf

I love the fish stores in SF but i don't live there anymore i live in Fairfield which is like an hour away. The stores here in Fairfield are expensive with fish but they seem to be a little nicer then down in SF. The one aquarium store i love going to in SF is 6th avenue i'm sure you've heard of it, it's on Clement Street but the parking is so bad over there, you get to net your own fish and the prices are cheap =). Another one we used to go to but it's been a while is Nippon on Geary street, do you know if you have been there if the prices of fish are good? it's been a while since i've been there. Any other fish stores in the city that you can recommend? Those are the only two i know of that i like, then again i don't go to the city much anymore since i moved around 6 years ago from there.


nippon goldfish closed down. you missed out pretty bad. the whole store was 50% off everything. I boguht powerheads,filters,carbon. etc it was really fun. sad beacuse they were open for about 94 syears or so. they're were people carrying out tanks .. stands. even they're show tank w/ corals and lights. I liked that place but it was over priced. they couldnt compete with 6th ave aquarium. 6th ave just buys fish from wholesale and sell it unde r wholesale prices which is odd.
there is --
tropical reef aquarium - taraval and 28th - good selection of fish and corals. LR- $3.50
lucky ocean aquarium - balboa and 5th ors something, big store can't miss it. they have corals for about $20
thats about it. taraval is pretty much the best .. 6th ave is great for some fish if you spot healthy ones. don't you miss the sunday sale ? the 50% off every sunday .. I know I would miss it.


Big circles or little circles? Is he messing with reflection in mirror? Have you tried keeping the lights for a few days? Try to break the pattern somehow. Move the powerheads around. Is he twitching? Does he interact with the environment at all, at least the powerheads or glass? How did you acclimate?
He needs to start eating soon and become aware...If not, I would be thinking brain damage or something along those lines from acclimation or collection method..Do you know if he was tank raised?


Originally Posted by exile415
nippon goldfish closed down. you missed out pretty bad. the whole store was 50% off everything. I boguht powerheads,filters,carbon. etc it was really fun. sad beacuse they were open for about 94 syears or so. they're were people carrying out tanks .. stands. even they're show tank w/ corals and lights. I liked that place but it was over priced. they couldnt compete with 6th ave aquarium. 6th ave just buys fish from wholesale and sell it unde r wholesale prices which is odd.
there is --
tropical reef aquarium - taraval and 28th - good selection of fish and corals. LR- $3.50
lucky ocean aquarium - balboa and 5th ors something, big store can't miss it. they have corals for about $20
thats about it. taraval is pretty much the best .. 6th ave is great for some fish if you spot healthy ones. don't you miss the sunday sale ? the 50% off every sunday .. I know I would miss it.

Yeah that Sunday Sale is pretty damn good, the Percula clowns are around 2.99 i believe on Sunday? i know the regular price is like 5.99 compared to the fish store here they are 11.99 rip off. 25.99 for a yellow tang here and i think 9.99 for one in 6th avenue. I don't like the service there but i can't complain with the prices, i remember last time i went there i was asking how much for the Blue Hippo Tangs because they didn't have a price tag and the guy just ignored me so i went up to him and hollared it in his ear then he finally paid some attention and told me. Next time i buy fish i'm going to go there and buy some. Do you know what's a steal deal over there? i think 10 bucks for a yellow tang and 23 for a blue tang is pretty good. I forgot what else they had last time i went there, how much for live rock? and also do you know of any different kind of tangs they sell there besides yellow/blue? When Did Nippon close? i remember going there a lot as a little kid and going upstairs to the Aquarium section and stuff like that. I don't remember a fish store on taraval street i know the street well i used to get my haircutt there, how long has it been open? Fish are so expensive here but i have no choice sometimes traffic is so bad going to the City i don't want to drive that long just to buy one fish. take it easy.


Originally Posted by Mr.P
Yeah that Sunday Sale is pretty damn good, the Percula clowns are around 2.99 i believe on Sunday? i know the regular price is like 5.99 compared to the fish store here they are 11.99 rip off. 25.99 for a yellow tang here and i think 9.99 for one in 6th avenue. I don't like the service there but i can't complain with the prices, i remember last time i went there i was asking how much for the Blue Hippo Tangs because they didn't have a price tag and the guy just ignored me so i went up to him and hollared it in his ear then he finally paid some attention and told me. Next time i buy fish i'm going to go there and buy some. Do you know what's a steal deal over there? i think 10 bucks for a yellow tang and 23 for a blue tang is pretty good. I forgot what else they had last time i went there, how much for live rock? and also do you know of any different kind of tangs they sell there besides yellow/blue? When Did Nippon close? i remember going there a lot as a little kid and going upstairs to the Aquarium section and stuff like that. I don't remember a fish store on taraval street i know the street well i used to get my haircutt there, how long has it been open? Fish are so expensive here but i have no choice sometimes traffic is so bad going to the City i don't want to drive that long just to buy one fish. take it easy.
some good deals are the blueleg hermits. I think it's 6 for $5. I got around 8, they didn't even count it.
6th ave has kole tangs,blue tangs,clown tangs etc .. a lot. today was the whoolesale, and boy it was packed. i came 4 mins late and the whole store was full .. they had a bunch of triggers and stuff. I think sunday sale is the time to buy sstuff from 6th ave. niger and humu triggers for $9. can't beat that. some LTA and carpet anemones for 10. LR shouldn't be bought at 6th ave IMO. $5 a LB. go to the taraval and 28th one. 3.50 a lb, I think it's $3 if you buy more than 10. I bought 70 lbs and got a huge discount,they get shipments in every tuesday, it's also 20% off on all live stock including corals on tuesday. i would go to tarval for LR and maybe some live stock at 6th ave.