Help cobwebs on my curing rock


Help I am on my third day curing rock and there is this white junk spreading throughout . It looks like co
ebs!!! Some of the coralone that came with the rock is going away too.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by MrMoses
Help I am on my third day curing rock and there is this white junk spreading throughout . It looks like co
ebs!!! Some of the coralone that came with the rock is going away too.
I have that on one of my rocks that I got over 3 years ago and is still there, it looks like slime cob web white stuff? I think it is a type of sponge...


When I see it, It seems like some sort of fungus. yuck. here are some pictures. Sorry about the quality.



Originally Posted by MrMoses
Help I am on my third day curing rock and there is this white junk spreading throughout . It looks like co
ebs!!! Some of the coralone that came with the rock is going away too.
The co
ebs are from a type of snail, filter feeder. Totally harmless, as for the coral algae it will come back eventually. When I got my cured rock the coral algae turned white when I first put it in, but now about 6 months later, it has started to bloom all over the tank. Patience and it will grow.


If it is from a snail that leaves disgusting stuff around the rocks at the rate that this stuff showed up, if I find him he is DEAD!!!!! Snails are slow though seems like I would have seen him.


Active Member
These kind snails don't reallly move, I believe they are just little coils that emit these webs but not positive from the pics.