Help "copapods"?????



I have 2 mandarin dragonet and i was wondering how often i should buy copapods? i have 30 gallon
I have a 30 gallon with 70lbs of live rock, the tank as been running for 8 months


Active Member
2 mandarins in a 30 gallon? its gonna be very hard to keep the 2 alive long term. i'd recommend bringing one back to the lfs for credit, bc even keeping one in a 30 is hard. in order for a mandarin to thrive, they need an established tank of at least 6 months with lots of lr. maybe u can get one of those hang-on fuge to try to raise more pods. hate to tell u this, but i dont think ur mandarins r gonna make it past 2 weeks, bc 70 lbs of lr in a 30 is pushing it.


i agree...only try keeping one in your tank.
good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Denniscoy420
I have 2 mandarin dragonet and i was wondering how often i should buy copapods? i have 30 gallon
I have a 30 gallon with 70lbs of live rock, the tank as been running for 8 months
To answer your question. You need to put in about 200-300 a week.


Only one and you're still going to have to supplement with buying pods (even with 70 pounds of live rock). By the way, never go back to the LFS who sold you two mandarins for a 30 gallon tank. Hopefully, one will take frozen food. Keep that one. Good luck!


Originally Posted by ecooper
Only one and you're still going to have to supplement with buying pods (even with 70 pounds of live rock). By the way, never go back to the LFS who sold you two mandarins for a 30 gallon tank. Hopefully, one will take frozen food. Keep that one. Good luck!
Can I use freeze dry copepods for food and how do I add pic to the thread


Sorry, but frozen copepods usually won't cut it. Most mandarins like them alive and in large quantities.
Get rid of 1 or both since even 1 in a 30 gal is a challenge without a large, constant supply of live copepods..


Active Member
IMO get rid of both.. unless you are refering to the fish in the last pic on the sand. If thats the case dont ever go to that FS again. That is soooo not a mandarin, in fact out of all your pics I dont see either one of them.


Active Member
how many clowns do you have? i think i see 3 in the pic but im not sure. as they get onder you will only be able to have a pair, BTW.


Originally Posted by Denniscoy420
I have 2 mandarin dragonet and i was wondering how often i should buy copapods? i have 30 gallon
I have a 30 gallon with 70lbs of live rock, the tank as been running for 8 months
that is the first problem especially in such a small tank. They will fight wit eachother and most probably both end up starving.


I have one for 6 months but I have it in a 125 with 175 lb of LR he also accepts frozen foods like mysis I prepare all my food with garlic extreme it really entices almost any fish to eat.He has gotten so big from 1.5 inches to almost 3.5 inches.just to make sure he has enough of his preffered food I drop in 200-400 pods per 6 weeks. but no problems at all he looks amazing. I also have a deep SB filled with pods got 80 lb's from this site premium florida keys sand. Now that he is accepting other frozen foods along with live bristle worms and pods I am certain he will continue to be happy. I never heard of keeping 2 Mandarins in the same tank let alone a 30. Good luck.