Help! Cracked tank!


Oh man! my 80g bowfront that had an internal overflow and driller through the bottom just cracked in both corners during a move. Where can I get another one and how much is it going to cost? Also how can I make the most of it? How do I move the internal overflow and redrill wholes in the bottom?
Is there anyway to repair it? There semi small cracks, and have not gone all the way through.


Active Member
you may be able to superglue the cracks together. otherwise, you could take the whole thing off and build one out of acrylic


Active Member
oh goodness... i read it as if the overflow cracked. if the tank cracked superglue wont work LOL


Active Member
I can't make out whats going on.
If the tanks cracked, I'd toss it and start over.
I'f it's just the overflow then you should be able to use some aquarium silicone and cover the cracks.