Help, Cracking Tank...?


Last night I noticed a couple small cracks in my arlic(sp?) eclips tank. This more the # of crack doubled. What could be cauing it? I have 5 blue hermits, a left handed hermit, a CC starfish, plenty of copepodes, and bristle worms in my CC. I have been treating my green damsel's popeye with Melafix. My blue damsel fans CC against the tank sometimes but I wouldn't believe that is the problem. The tank is new (set up 1/1/01). Any ideas???


The tank I got at Christmas. The cracking area is on the left side. The cracks are along the CC and half way up the tank. It can't be a mantis or pistol shrimp because they would eat my fish and inverts. This doesn't make sense to me.


Active Member
Are you sure it is cracked, is it leaking? The CC may have just caused a nasty scratch that appears to be a crack.


There is salt residue on the outside covering the cracks. Thankfully its not spilling out just yet. If I was to get another tank and transfer everything over would it cause another cycle, right?

mr . salty

Active Member
I would move everything to a new tank as soon as possible.This move MAY cause a small/short ammo spike,but no major recycle should occure.This cracked tank should be under warrenty if you got it new at christmas.


Active Member
As long as you are careful, only a small cycle will take palce if any. JUst keep everything submerged as much as possible and do it as quickly as possible. I work at an LFS and it is not uncommon for someones eclipse 6 or 12 to crack and leak. marineland should replace it for free.


Ok, thanks for telling me I can get it changed over. My last concern... Will the ammo. spike hurt my hermits or starfish? The damsels I know are hardy.


Active Member
If there is an ammonia spike it will be very small and will pas quickly as long as you do everything quickly and correctly. My suggsestion would be to place the new tank right next to the existing one, tranfer all the rock, then the sand, the transfer some of the water and the critters, you can either use all the existing water or make some new water. Always keep extra water on hand just in case so you can perform water change. Good luck


I'm picking up another tank and plan to make the change tonight or tomorrow. Since I was treating with Melafix I'll do a water change during the transfer.


I forget, what size is your eclipse tank? You also have another tank don't you? I just know we have talked about the Emporer 400's. I think you have a 75. I have some new info on the Emporer.


What new info. have you found out on the Emperor, jond? My eclipse is 5 gallon. I don't have the 75 gallon yet, it comes in monday or tuesday. I plan to set it up once my arm is healed.
[ April 20, 2001: Message edited by: b_ball12_99 ]


There is a great biological media available for many different applications including the 400. You have 4 slots in the 400. One on each side you run carbon. One side you run this media called cell-pore. The insert has 1250 sq/ft of surface area. Then on the other side, you run the grey basket with a resin called clear water. It helps reduce nitrates, phosphates, etc. I have seen several tanks running this set up, and they all lood awesome. Let me know if you have heard of them, and/or if you are interested and I will try to get you more info.


I run a E 400 on my 65 gal reef it does great never had a problem out of it. also just wondering I have seen those type of tanks crack when exsposed to alot of sunshine ( I gues the uv in the light did it to the ones i seen.) they where on display in a window of a friends pet store. :eek:


if the tank is that new and you bought a stand with it as well, it should be covered under warrenty, check with the place you bought it.... good luck......