deuce biggalow
Alright everybody, I need some help. I have had the tank running for over 2 weeks. It has 200 pounds of live sand, about 150 pounds of live rock. First day it was cycling I added 10 bottles of some special new product - some sort of bacteria in a bottle, it is dry and then you add water and it dissolves,(it is supposed to cycle the tank instanty bull@#$#@) well anyways I added it, then added damsels, no ammonia spikes, ammonia has been very low all the way along. Nitrates skyrocketed,went down a bit, I added a few triggers to the tank about 4 days ago, they have been doing great, nitrates are slowly going down and nitrites are building, the nitrites are very low, I am not even running the skimmer yet. I am running a large wet dry system, fluidized bed filter right know. The tank has about 3200 gallons per hour turnover. Thanks, Justin