Help cycling tank


I just started a new aquarium and have it set up tonight, just tested the water and below is the parameters. Is there anything you suggest I need to do. I have some buffer I could ad to get the PH up, do you think its needed. There is 85 lbs of living rock and about 40 of it came from another established tank I had for the last 3 years. Ive been curing the rest of the live rock for 2 weeks. The tank is a 54G corner, also have a megaflow sump set up which contains about 10 lbs living rock. I used of few scoops of living sand from my establised tank to mix in with the living sand I just added. Any help would be appreciated. Im thinking I may mis the cycle sense I added so much allready established rock and the few scoops of living sand.
Salinity - 1.026
PH - 7.8
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
Temp - 78


I think your ph will go higher in couple of days. Salinity looks little higher but it would be ok if you have corals. Fish wont really like higher ones. If you want it cycle faster. Use Seachem Stability. Mine got cycled in 8 days with stuff like rocks, sand, old filter media from established tank and also using seachem stability really helped.


Active Member
You can probably expect a decent amount of die-off from the live rock. That will definitely help it cycle. Your PH is a bit low, but I don't know what you have been doing with your lighting? It is normal for PH to drop about .3-.4 when the lights have not been on the tank for a long time. I am a Seachem Reef Buff person. That is usually a good product because it can raise your PH without danger of overshooting. In any light, it should take no shorter then 4 weeks to cycle a tank. That may be what stability is for though.
Bio-something or another made my Marineland is a good product to cycle tanks. It is usually refrigerated. But if you REALLY want to make sure your tank is cycled, you could buy a 6 cent shrimp from the grocery store and attempt that. It will usually form a jelly like substance within a week or so and eat away at the shrimp till it deteriorates. Then just keep an eye on your ammonia and trates'-trites'.