Help!!! Do I have Ich?????

Last week I introduced a passer angel into my tank. My powder blue spent the first day or two going after it, but has since settled. When I got home, the PB was very pale. Its color came back, and then faded again. It also might be rubbing against an empty shell. There is no sign of dots or bumps anywhere on it. Might this me the onset of ich? If so, what is a good treatment? I do not have a hospital tank, and I do have numerous crabs and a starfish. If it is not ich, might it be something else. Please help.:(


I have heard that the Powder Blue Tang is the fish to get to tell If our water quality is good. If it turns pale then your water quality is poor! Don't quote me on this though. Like the above said youmight want to check the disease forum!


Nerdy I won't quote you on that, but are you telling me that you have heard that someone might actually purchase and expensive tang, place it in the tank, just to find out if there water quality is ok.:eek: There are much better, safer ways.
Sounds like someone is looking for a natural barometer of some type, but what a way to go. I think "misguided" would be a good word here.