HELP!! Domestic Abuse!


Ok geniuses, explain this one to me. Tuesday afternoon i noticed that only one of my percula clowns were visible. After looking all over i noticed him at the back of the tank down by the sand. I thought maybe they laid some eggs and he was protecting them or something. :confused: Well today i noticed him along the side of the tank appearing to be stuck against the glass and a rock. The female seemed to come over and nudge him as though trying to help him out. I thought it was cute that she cared about him. Well 2 min. later he got out and then it began. She chased him all over the damn tank. He wasn't stuck, he was hiding. She will not leave him alone for a second. Charges him and pecks him. He tries to be good but she won't leave him alone. Even when he retreats to the back of the tank she even looks for him in the rocks to harass him some more. What the hell happened!? They always used to hang together with no probs at all, and now this.


Originally Posted by Fuax
Did he come home with another fishes lipstick on his fins?
yeah, he's knockin' fins with your coral beauty :happy:


Mine did the same thing, and I'm telling you GET HIM OUT OF THE TANK. I thought the female was being cute too, but mine almost died and is now in really bad condition in a QT. I'm hoping he recooperates enough that my lfs will take him back and let me trade for a different fish. From what I understand, the female begins to think the other one is trying to be dominant, which is her role, so she picks at him until he basically dies. You have to make sure one is smaller than the other so there isn't a dominance issue. I had mine for 3 weeks before they started doing all of the fighting.


She is bigger than him... I've also had them since i've set up the tank. They've been together for the last 6 mo. What are my odds that she will relax eventually?