Help. Dorm Room Qustions


New Member
I'm a freshman in college, living in a dorm. I want to get a nano aquarium and fix it all up with corals or fish. My question is this even possible because, over winter break, I wnt be in my dorm, and I have heard they turn off the electricity. We have a house within 5 minutes of my dorm which I can move my fish (but i don't even know if they will be able to handle the ride for even that short period) to but we wont be there for winter break eaither, we will be in our home which is 6 hours away. sooo i need advice or suggestions to see if this would work for me. I'm not inexperienced with saltwater aquariums, if people think that cuz we have a huge one at our home that we take care of.
Thanks, hopefully yall can help


I had the same problem when I was in school. I went to my LFS and they offered to take care of it... for a small fee of course. If you really want to get one started in the dorm room, i would recommend trying the stores in your area.


Active Member
I would also discourage this, because of the disruption of power being off. Unless you can confirm that they don't do that...but even then, you are setting up a tank that is going to be moved in only like 9 months again. It can be done, but IMO, it is not the best plan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Skip it... A tank in a dormroom is just asking for some idiot to pour beer or something worse in it.
That was exactly my thought when I read the op....You beat me to it.
Unless you are in the nerd, honors will eventually have some a-hole put something in this tank. Been there/done that.
Originally Posted by T316
Unless you are in the nerd, honors will eventually have some a-hole put something in this tank. Been there/done that.
LOL! I disagree with this statement. Everyone gets drunk in college. Even the nerds and honor students. We had this thing at my alma matter called the Sun God Festival... but that is another story on its own.


wouldnt do it, i have a salt tank in my room at school but im in a house in my room where i can lock the door so no one can get to it. i had a little 2 gallon tank in my dorm to satisfy my aquarium keeping needs while iwas in a dorm but i wouldnt do anything higher than that cause you can easily move a 2 gallon tank to where you want and freshwater fish much more tolerant of changing environment. definetly would not in my opinion.


Active Member
someone would actualy poor crap in ur tank? if i had a tank in my doorm i wouldnt let anyone go in


Well-Known Member
You know what you should do? You should tell yourself that your reward for graduating college is going to be a nice sized aquarium with everything and anything you've ever wanted in it and running it. Then, save up for it! When you get out, then you can either blow all your money on a party or a tank. Perfect.
I know when I get out of college and get into a nice job, I'm going to blow all my savings on a super nice tank.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
You know what you should do? You should tell yourself that your reward for graduating college is going to be a nice sized aquarium with everything and anything you've ever wanted in it and running it. Then, save up for it! When you get out, then you can either blow all your money on a party or a tank. Perfect.
I know when I get out of college and get into a nice job, I'm going to blow all my savings on a super nice tank.
haha same here!!! one more semester!!! id stick with no more than a 5 gal if u really want to do it. anything bigger would be way to hard to transport. if u live 5 mins away why dont u just go home when u need a fix?? the p's would love to c u!!!