Help: Dottyback turns agressive and hosts Toadstool (videos)


New Member
Ok, this is weird. The toadstool has been in the tank like a month, and the dotty has never been agressive at all and never showed any interest in it. All of the sudden I get home today and he is in the toadstool and defending it very aggressively and has the tangs stressed out. He lays in it with his dorsal up, like a snake in the grass!
He's never been aggressive before. Has he/she just matured and this is a nesting instinct and will pass? Or will I have to remove him? Notice the dark color of the Sailfin, the color he changes to when he's annoyed. The dotty really does not like the Purple Tang either as of today, even though they've been fine for at least 2 months!
Any ideas? :help:
Sorry for the poor vid quality.... just did it real quick with my digicam.