It may have needed light also. It is much higher in the tank now in the net. Water quality may be an issue and 96 watts of T5 may not be appropriate lighting for it in a 29.
I run 156 watts of T5HO. 2 10k blue and 2 12k white actinic and my anemone is still lacking, I believe, what it could be getting from the spectrum.
That is a starving BTA .... I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
When the tentacles shrink to that level, and get skinny like that...when it spreads apart like that, it is starving to death.
The bleaching is very clear as well, because that should be a much darker anemone.
The zooxanthelae are not surviving and that is usually #1 a lighting issue, #2 a flow issue and/or #3 a food issue #4 a salinity or water quality issue. They do live well in captivity without a skimmer.
Overworking it with a clownfish who is overly affectionate can demolish an already-ill BTA, so putting it in the net is a good idea, to an is believed that the film on the fish exhudes some kind of nourishment for the anemone.
Please consider getting better lighting and changing the type of feed you are feeding. Mysis and Brine Shrimp (which have zero nutrition) are not sufficient food.
Please supplement with krill, cut into small 1/8 inch bits at first, once a week, or maybe twice a week.
My questions would be:
How old is your tank?
What other inhabitants does it have?
Where was the anemone stationed when it went down?
What are your water perameters?
What do you feed, and how often?
Please forgive me if you already answered these questions.