Help!eel wont eat



recently purchased a blue ribbon eel, about 3 feet long in my reef tank, Its situated itself nicely underneath some live rock, But i can't seem to get it to eat, i've tried Ghost shrimp, defrosted market shrimp, and even goldfish! i can't seem to get it to eat... any suggestions please???
Tank: 180 gallons
Skimmer, sump
77 degrees
all Parameters good.


try krill or silversides. how long have you had him?
the bad thing about the ribbion eels is getting then to eat.


one week
thannks for the reply i need more info and help please


try got my eel to eat....take a steril stick (a shiskabob stick) etc. and poke the food with it. Now put it near your eels face almost taunting him with it. he should quickly take it. After all you did get one of the hardest and tedious eels to to take care of. Their survival rate is very limited..Let me know how it works out


I just added a zebra eel to my tank today. How long do you think it will be before he begins to eat? Are they pretty hardy? I was under the impression that they were an easy eel to care for!


Active Member
I think, like any fish, it would depend on the eel itself on how long it would eat. All the fish i have ever introduced to my tank (keep in mind, this is only a few) ate that day, including a baby snowflake eel. He ate once a day for a few days, and then up until 3 days ago he didnt eat for 3 weeks and was perfectly healthy. They can go a long time without food, and often times, do.
as of the zebra, yes, they are a much more hardier species and other types of eels. They are also similar to snowflakes in the sence that they only get about 2 feet long, and they are more crustacean eaters than fish. If well fed, they can be kept in a comunity tank with no losses.
your zebra should be fine as long as he eats well, you have pleanty of places to find, and your water quality is good. Use the method GoOtZ said to feed him. My eel doesnt eat all the time, unlike a goldfish, they will only eat when they are hungary.


Active Member
its prolly a good thing your eel wont take the should never feed your marine fish fresh water bottom feeders. fresh water fish live on different food then marine fish for obvious reasons but bottom feeders such as goldfish live and feed on waste not healthy for marine fish diets. amost eels only eat once a week some will eat daily if they feel the need but if not hungry they will not bother.stick feeding is the best way to go.they do sell feeding sticks they are made of clear acrylic i carved a point onto mine to hold the food better.for 180 gal this will be longer and make reaching your eel easier without soaking your arms and scaring the fish.