
New Member
I have a 46g bow front tank. with two angels one tang, to madarins, little orange one a parrot fish, and a wrasse. all of a sudden (2 days ago) i find one manderin dead, and the orange one with the white stripe dead too. Today i wake up and one of my tangs is missing and my flame angel dead. The tanks been running for 2 years, and the fish for 6 monthes to a year.I dont see any white spots. And i cant test my water cause my L. fish stores closed. I did a water change last night. what do you think .


why dont you have a test kit....what is the water temp...have you used any medication in the tank...mandrians are hard to keep alive w/ out a dsb

oldest salt

New Member
"i cant test my water"
It always amazes me the number of aquarists that I see carrying a sample of water to their local pet store to have it tested. They will spend a thousand dollars on a setup w/livestock and not buy a water test kit. Water is generally crystal clear and the eliments that are produced through the nitrogen cycle are colorless but have the potential of wiping-out (killing) ever living thing you have spent hard earned money on.
You don't have a clue why your fish died and expect someone on this bb to solve your problem. We don't have enough information to do that and any answer is pure speculation.


Active Member
Don't know why they all died. My guess is the manderin slowly starved to death. Your tank is also too small for the tang and way too small for the angels.(Unless they are dwarf angels, and then you shouldn't have two.) They probably outgrew the tank, then something died and your ammonia and nitrates spiked and they couldn't handle the stress.
Sorry, but you should watch your stocking levels and find out more about what types of fish you put together and what their diets are. That's a very expensive lesson to learn the hard way. Just my .02
Good luck!
Hey im not sure about the tang or the angels but the mandarins probably did starve to death as someone already stated. most local fish stores will tell you that they will eat noraml frozen or dy food but usually this is not the case. Usually the only mandarin that will do so is the spotted, the other doesnt do as well. I would say a 46 maybe ok for one spotted mandarin if it has been set up for that long but deffinatly no more because eventually the mandarins will wipe out their food source before it can reproduce fast enough. Im still don't know about the angels but usually 2 dwarfs will fight if in a tank under 100g. just what i think.


I think you have too many fishes. That's probably what it is. Your ammonia is probably too high and killed everything. Definitely get a test kit. It will help you in the long run.
You need to buy a test kit. When you find out what happend to your tank post again. I would like to know what your water levels were at. If all your livestock is dead you may want to start all over again. If you have any live rock or sand wash it. If you have kids who knows what happend. It sounds bad you may want to take a look around your tank for any forein objects.


First Test the Water. That will tell you if you have High Amonia or Nitrite or so on. Well, you will see some trace of amonia because of the death of few fish. But something should tell you why your fish died.
By now, you realized that many has stated that the Mandarin died because of starvation. While it might be true in many cases, this is just not a conincidence. I think it died because of some spike.
If everything is dead or dying. Well, you should right away move the fishes and inverts to a quarintine tank. Then do large water change. Constantly until you reach a norm level. That brings up another point, do water test :D :D


*****, petsmart, even WALMART. all carry saltwater test kit's. none of them over $40. I bought one.. test my water and then say.. "----. nitrates high, damn" and not much you can do about it. but I agree you should have one. :cool:
Originally posted by MIKECORAL:
<STRONG>I have a 46g bow front tank. with two angels one tang, to madarins, little orange one a parrot fish, and a wrasse. all of a sudden (2 days ago) i find one manderin dead, and the orange one with the white stripe dead too. Today i wake up and one of my tangs is missing and my flame angel dead. The tanks been running for 2 years, and the fish for 6 monthes to a year.I dont see any white spots. And i cant test my water cause my L. fish stores closed. I did a water change last night. what do you think .</STRONG>
Hey you know what, look behind your tank, your tangs might have suicide because of bad water. Ihad a fish do that once, i didnt find out untill amoth later tho and it freaked meeh out. Maybe someone in the house ate it too why don tyou ask them =P. ummm your fishes might have died because you cantaminated the water some how. mayb eyou didnt use clhlorine and chlormine condition or something. or maybe you chaged too meuch water i dont know. Maybe some spirit took your fish during the night =P~
Originally posted by FlyDan:
Don't know why they all died. My guess is the manderin slowly starved to death. Your tank is also too small for the tang and way too small for the angels.(Unless they are dwarf angels, and then you shouldn't have two.) They probably outgrew the tank, then something died and your ammonia and nitrates spiked and they couldn't handle the stress.
Sorry, but you should watch your stocking levels and find out more about what types of fish you put together and what their diets are. That's a very expensive lesson to learn the hard way. Just my .02
Good luck!</STRONG>
your tripping the tank isnt too small. to keep your fish alive you dont have to have a large tank. you have to know how to maintain the water and feed your fish right. hey anyways do you know the best temperature for a reep tank is?


Active Member
saltwateriscool:Nobody is "tripping" but you. Their is alot of people that have been in salt here longer than 1-1/2 months.
46gal. can barely sustain 1 manderin.(no offence Mike)We are trying to give advice on why they died and how to care for fish, AND
to have them thrive! It's more than water quality and food. Some fish don't go with others, some need more room, some eat other corels or animals, etc...
Do you know what temp. is for a reef? If you have a reef, that is one thing you should know before
you set up your tank!
BTW- 77-82 is good.
Sit back, relax, and read
. If you have a question- shoot. If you don't really have a good answer for someone else and your fling by the seat of your pants, don't reply.
Have a nice day. :)
some typing lessons would help as well
and why do you have to quote everything?
noone likes to read post like that and it just discredits you. you are annoying