Help! Emergency!


I just went to feed my fishies and felt the heat coming out of the tank when I opened the lid. Stuck my finger in and it felt like a hot tub. So I used my good reliable thermometer and it went to 90 DEGREES

I turned the heater off since the lights didnt feel warmer that usual. I also poured in a bit of cold water and the temp went down to 89 degrees. What else can I do?


Also, I have a tub full of saltwater ready and mixed for a water change. should I do the water change or would that be too sudden of a temp change?

noah's nemo

Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
let it slowly drop on it's own....
I agree.My tank was up tp 89 this past summer,and it came down in time,and i lost nothing.About the heater vs. lights i don't know,but maybe get a new heater just in case


I have a small fan that sits by my tank- it will gradually bring your water temp. down. My water has gotten up to 86 degrees during the summers here, the fan kept it cooler @ 78-80 dgrees. My tank is also just a 20 gallon long.


Active Member
what type of heater was/is it? I had a heater failure and from what I have heard many of those brand heaters fail more often than not. I don't really think its that bad of a situation. my tank is always at about 86 or so without any issues


I keep it around 82 and this morning it was fine. Im just worried that it went up 8 degrees, that seems like alot to me.
I beleive its a Marineland heater (possibly stealth) but Im not positive. Ive had it since August.
I don't have a fan to blow across the top, thats the first thing that came to mind. I will def get one now.
Ok, I will let it go down on its own. Hopefully nothing dies because I cant afford to start over right now...

aztec reef

Active Member
Doesn't your heater have a dile? U could lower the temp.
Or u can siphon out some existing water, then replenish it by drip-adding the cooler newly mixed salt.
Or u can also float a small ice pack in tank.
do this until temp levels descend to normal range.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Doesn't your heater have a dile? U could lower the temp.
Or u can siphon out some existing water, then replenish it by drip-adding the cooler newly mixed salt.
Or u can also float a small ice pack in tank.
do this until temp levels descend to normal range.
Great advice. Lowering it slowly is better than lowering it quickly.


Active Member
Fans, fans, fans to let it cool off slowly but still at a good pace.
Please remove your lid and if you have jumping fish, put on egg crate.


Active Member
Just keep an eye on it. It went up fast and thats bad. Bringing it back down fast is double bad.
Turn the heater off. And keep watch on the tank for a few days. IME, a cold tank does better than a hot one.


Active Member
I stopped using the Stealth heaters as I was having problems with new ones I kept taking back the LRS and exchanging. They would not shut off when the temp went higher then the dial knob indicated.
Keeping the tank at 82 probably spared most all your livestock rather than keeping it at 78.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flricordia
I stopped using the Stealth heaters as I was having problems with new ones I kept taking back the LRS and exchanging. They would not shut off when the temp went higher then the dial knob indicated.
Keeping the tank at 82 probably spared most all your livestock rather than keeping it at 78.
really??? my aqua via one was HORRIBLE! and I love my stealth heater now! keeps my tank at perfect temp!


When I got my tank in August, it came with an Odyssea 300 watt heater - glass tube style with dial on top which was set to 75. Never even bothered to plug in the heater back then; but when I did, the temperature shot up fast. Out comes heater and into a 5 gallon bucket for testing. Oh yea. Temp gauge on heater is fried!
Went to store bought a 250 watter...whatever was hanginig on display.... seems to be working just far, but we've got mighty mild weather just now.
Makes me realize that, perhaps, a dual stage temperature controller is a good idea. When it's hot, electricity goes to a chiller. When it's cold, electricity goes to a heater. I set the line between what's hot and what's cold.
Sounds foolproof to me..... at least until the controller fails.....
By reading posts on here, I assume the "Ranco" brand is the best one?????????????


Active Member
I highly recommend the use of a temperature controller whether it be a ranco or other reliable controller single stage if it you don't have a chiller dual if you do. My thought is you set the heater or chiller to the desired temp and then set the controller to the desired temp. The odds that both controls would fail simultaneously is very low. I also have had the best luck with the Ehiem jager heaters (Formerly Ebo Jager).